sadly the nativity is not mine although i sure want it to be mine. can you see that it's a s'more one ? there's the graham cracker, there's the chocolate , and the delightful taste of marshmellow snowman.
Post a comment if you like it.
( i want to eat it so bad it looks soooooooo good).
Did you make it, or buy it? Is it edtible? if so I am sure it gone by now.
It looks delightful.
Keep up the good work.
Love You
That's adorable!
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..... stop tempting me! (especsilly if you dont want me to steal and eat it!)
BTW... who is dixie?
wwwhhhhhhhhhhooooooooo is dixie///////
oops ment 2 do this ???????? 4got 2 press shift!)
but serorously who is Dixie?
dixie is a girl who manages plays that i am in it is called show biz kids
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